
The Healing
Abilities of Nature's Gift
April 17

Nicolette Kusi Appiah
Nicolette is a high school student and member of the National Honor Society. She is and has always been very compassionate about topics relating to nature. As an African Immigrant, she considers it a priority to showcase the undiscovered aspects of her homeland's culture. This research was conducted to illustrate the more unique way diseases can be cured using the African gift of nature she was born with.
Contact: 701(570)-9471
How are diseases like Typhoid, Malaria and COVID-19 cured using African Herbal remedies? How are these remedies evolving now as compared to hundreds of years ago? Why are these remedies declining?
The use of medicinal herbs to cure illnesses is considered one of the most ancient and efficient, but highly questionable therapeutic procedures performed in African countries with its use dating back to the Paleolithic age approximately 60,000 years ago. This field of medicine presents one of the most ardent questions and unsettling discoveries relating to how they work, how they are made, and how they are gradually evolving. These herbs are used in various kinds of ways having to do with skin, food, religion, etc and used to perform different forms of medical procedures all over the world. These herbs, generally accepted by a majority of the African population due to its cultural acceptability, better compatibility with the human body, and minimal side effects are hence considered the backbone of African culture and way of life.
The attention of this research project will be turned toward how three diseases: (Typhoid, Malaria, and COVID-19) are cured using African herbal remedies. Typhoid and Malaria are considered two of the deadliest diseases in Africa with Malaria killing up to 3000 African children a day. With that, procedures and concoctions used to cure these deadly diseases from different countries, specifically Ghana and Nigeria, will be strategically illustrated and compared.
The world of Herbal remedies has and continues to undergo a magnitude of technological change. This evolution of African herbal remedies will be centered in this review as well as the topic of the probable declination of these herbs.

Fascinating Herbal Remedies!

Interesting facts about African Herbal Remedies!