
The decline of medicinal herbs poses a huge problem for herb-reliant cities and countries as people begin to neglect herbs; depending more on orthodox medicines or standard pharmaceutical products.
The declination of this industry is attributed to two main causes;environmental and conceptual.
Environmental causes
The herbal industry, though currently thriving in some areas, is simultaneously declining in other areas, areas with high levels of deforestation, high population and climate change. These environmental factors administer a direct impact to the herbal industry as well as to herbalists who depend on these plants for cures, food, and manageable living. Ethiopia, Congo, and Tanzania, countries solely dependent on herbal remedies,face a huge loss as environmental factors lead to 40% of potent medicinal plants going extinct.
Conceptual causes
In the public eye, herbal remedies are considered overly spiritual or commonly referred to as "juju or black magic".Herbal remedies are also regarded as amateur products, unprofessionally made. The spread of such distorted information greatly decreases the tendency of people buying herbal products.Such cliches, being slowly accepted and believed by the African population, is a rising factor to the declivity of herbal medicines.Heads are turned to orthodox medicine as it is credited as the only safe, professional form of treatment.