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More Background

Herbal medicine, also called botanical medicine, refers to the use of a plant's seeds, roots, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes. The herbs used for such concoctions contain potent compounds having the capability of curing diseases. It has been verified that “today, around 11% of the drugs considered 'basic' and 'essential' by the World Health Organisation originated in flowering plants”(Pavid 2021) or herbs.


The use of medicinal plants dates back to the Paleolithic age 60,000 years ago. Written evidence was found from the Sumerians who compiled lists of plants in books called herbals. In Egypt, these herbs were found on tomb inscriptions/ illustrations and papyri.These herbal remedies eventually spread all over the world, mostly concentrated in Africa. Herbal medicines hence are diverse in so many ways. Written history allows tracing back to Mediterranean and European medical traditions to Greek antiquity. African herbal remedies are also believed to have evolved from Iraq and Egyptian papyrus writings. Eventually making its way into African countries. These remedies helped in the prevention, and elimination of diseases such as Malaria, Stroke, Gonorrhea, Hypertension, etc. These herbs build spiritual and ancestral connections serving as a root to their potency.


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